Exclusive Charter Flights
The Zeppelin is all yours!
Would you like to book the Zeppelin flight experience exclusively and privately with friends, family or your club group? For a birthday, wedding or a very special occasion? Or are you looking for a unique and memorable experience for your next company anniversary, team event or company party?
Individual flight routes and exclusive experiences
Choose from our existing routes or work with us to design your own individual route. Our team will be happy to advise you to plan the perfect flight experience!
Private and exclusive group flights
Experience the Zeppelin NT exclusively! For birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, family celebrations or club outings - share this special experience with up to 14 guests in a private atmosphere. You have the airship all to yourself and your guests.
Are you planning a special wedding or an unusual marriage proposal? Turn your private party into an unforgettable experience or celebrate your birthday at lofty heights above Lake Constance. We will be happy to provide you with a customized charter offer.
Exclusive zeppelin flights for corporate events and team events
Are you planning a company anniversary, team event or incentive? The Zeppelin NT offers you a unique event location for unforgettable corporate events. Impress your business partners or reward your employees with an exclusive Zeppelin flight - an experience that will be remembered.
For larger groups or corporate events of 14 people or more, we offer the option of booking several flights or all-day charter packages. Combine the flight with a culinary highlight or a guided tour of the Zeppelin hangar for an all-round exclusive experience.
Zeppelin hangar as an event location
The Zeppelin hangar in Friedrichshafen is one of the most extraordinary event locations in Europe. With space for large events and first-class catering, it offers the perfect setting for company celebrations, evening events and exclusive receptions.
Why choose a Zeppelin flight?
Every Zeppelin flight offers a breathtaking change of perspective and a unique flying experience that will delight your guests. Whether over Lake Constance, Munich, Frankfurt, the Rhineland or the Ruhr area - we will turn your special occasion into an unforgettable experience.
We would be happy to help you!
Just give us a call at: